privacy statement

This site don't collect nothing, and there's nothing you can do to make it do so. You can't log in; you can't track anything other than the pages people look at. But the site itself won't even do that. There are no analytics; there is no way the site itself can or will track who looks at what, how often, or how many. Well, okay, "you can't log in" is not quite true - commenting requires logging in. To github. And that only so that the magic of can post comments directly as part of github issues on the github site of this blog. Nothing is done with those data, and your identity is not used in any way other than to enable you to comment on github. There are no cookies, nor are any loaded by any other libraries used to serve this site. No external calls are made to load fonts, because they are embedded courtesy of the LeagueOfMoveableType ( Ostrich Sans for headers and Prociono for main body; thanks for asking). And of course with no way of telling who might have visited the site, there are also no advertisements, nor will there ever be, so you'll be safe there too.

Copyright © 2019--22 mark padgham