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Gender Encoding

This R package includes an internally bundled C library for categorising the gender of first names, thanks to Michael Jörg (available here). The library is extremely fast and flexible; covers all European languages and a host of others, and categorises gender very accurately. Here’s a test run on a very large data set of names from the English-speaking world:

u <- ""
if (!file.exists ("baby-names.csv"))
    chk <- download.file (u, "baby-names.csv")
n <- read.csv ("baby-names.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
format (nrow (n), big.mark = ",")
#> [1] "258,000"
st <- system.time (x <- get_gender (n$name))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.186   0.069   0.255
knitr::kable (table (x$gender))
Var1 Freq
IS_FEMALE 103059
IS_MALE 95751
knitr::kable (table (n$sex))
Var1 Freq
boy 129000
girl 129000

Categorising 258,000 names took only 0.255 seconds, or around 100,000 names per second. The following code compares the accuracy, noting that many names are of course unisex, whereas the “baby-names” data are direct records of individual names and sex.

x$gender [x$gender == "IS_MALE"] <- "boy"
x$gender [x$gender == "IS_MOSTLY_MALE"] <- "boy"
x$gender [x$gender == "IS_FEMALE"] <- "girl"
x$gender [x$gender == "IS_MOSTLY_FEMALE"] <- "girl"

index_right <- which (x$gender == n$sex)
message (format (length (index_right), big.mark = ","), " / ",
         format (nrow (x), big.mark = ","),
         " of names correctly classified = ",
         formatC (100 * length (index_right) / nrow (x),
                  format = "f", digits = 1), "%")
#> 217,630 / 258,000 of names correctly classified = 84.4%

Noting that the baby name records are structured over time, and include many repeats of the same names, we can try to create “mostly girl/boy” categories based on relative proportions.

library (dplyr)
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

categorise_sex <-  function (sex, size) {
    # define relative proportions:
    # if > rel_props [2], then category is singular
    # else if > rel_props [1], then category is "mostly" singular,
    # else category is unisex
    rel_props <- c (4, 1000)

    if (length (size) == 1)
      return (sex)

    bi <- which (sex == "boy")
    gi <- which (sex == "girl")

    if (size [bi] > (size [gi] * rel_props [2]))
        return ("boy")
    else if (size [gi] > (size [bi] * rel_props [2]))
        return ("girl")
    else if (size [bi] > (size [gi] * rel_props [1]))
        return ("mostly boy")
    else if (size [gi] > (size [bi] * rel_props [1]))
        return ("mostly girl")
        return ("unisex")
n2 <- n |>
    group_by (name, sex) |>
    summarise (size = n ()) |>
    group_by (name) |>
    summarise (category = categorise_sex (sex, size))
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'name'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
knitr::kable (table (n2$category))
Var1 Freq
boy 2764
girl 3345
mostly boy 147
mostly girl 224
unisex 302

The above values for relative proportions were selected to give good agreement with the observed overall distribution of categories as determined by the internal library. These two more refined data sets can then be compared:

n2$gender <- get_gender (n2$name)$gender
n2$gender [n2$gender == "IS_FEMALE"] <- "girl"
n2$gender [n2$gender == "IS_MALE"] <- "boy"
n2$gender [n2$gender == "IS_MOSTLY_FEMALE"] <- "mostly girl"
n2$gender [n2$gender == "IS_MOSTLY_MALE"] <- "mostly boy"
n2$gender [n2$gender == "IS_UNISEX_NAME"] <- "unisex"

Some names are simply not found, so we’ll remove those from the comparison before calculating final statistics.

n2 <- n2 [which (!n2$gender == "NAME_NOT_FOUND"), ]
knitr::kable (with (n2, table (category, gender)))
boy girl mostly boy mostly girl unisex
boy 1643 19 92 15 61
girl 19 2221 15 89 66
mostly boy 90 3 36 4 8
mostly girl 0 173 3 30 7
unisex 27 44 65 79 66

The accuracy in that case is

ct <- with (n2, table (category, gender))
sum (diag (ct)) / sum (ct)
#> [1] 0.8196923