Traces are by default appended to previous traces. This function can be used to clean those previous ones, to enable subsequent calls to generate new traces that are not appended to previous ones.
(Invisibly) A single logical value indicating whether or not traces were successfully cleared.
f <- function (x, y, z, ...) {
x * x + y * y
inject_tracer (f)
val <- f (1:2, 3:4 + 0., a = "blah")
x <- load_traces ()
print (x)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 12
#> trace_number fn_name fn_call_hash par_name class typeof mode storage_mode
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <I<list>> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 0 f qAieKHlp x <chr [1]> integ… nume… integer
#> 2 0 f qAieKHlp y <chr [1]> double nume… double
#> 3 0 f qAieKHlp z <chr [1]> NULL NULL NULL
#> 4 0 f qAieKHlp ... <chr [1]> NULL NULL NULL
#> 5 0 f qAieKHlp a <chr [1]> chara… char… character
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: length <int>, formal <named list>, uneval <I<list>>,
#> # eval <I<list>>
# Then call 'clear_traces' to remove them:
clear_traces ()
# Trying to load again wil then indicate 'No traces found':
x <- load_traces ()
#> No traces found; first run 'inject_tracer'
# Traces should also always be "uninjected":
uninject_tracer (f)
#> [1] FALSE